A safe and supported environment to work through your challenges.

Master your life & mind
Key Benefits To

Gain Clarity For your Life

Rewire old beliefs that do not serve you

Let go of the past and negative emotions

Become an effective leader
We all want to feel loved and enjoy a happy, safe, fulfilled and healthy life. Sometimes we experience challenges in daily living (e.g., stress, worry, anxiety, depression, loneliness, heartbreak, diminished self-esteem, negative emotions and limiting beliefs), that can hold us back or keep us stuck.
Results Right Now’s mission is to transform and coach people of all ages and levels. To break through anything that is holding them back — guiding them to find their meaning to living a healthier, wealthier, more fulfilling, passionate and purposeful life that they can keep for the rest of their lives!

Driven by
Dedicated to helping individuals and businesses succeed, Ranjit Rana is the founder of Vancouver based life coaching company Results Right Now. Ranjit is passionate about empowering others breakthrough whatever is holding them back from living the life they want and deserve. Ranjit will lead you to clarity, focus and action.
As a Master Certified NLP Coach, Time Line Therapy™ practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Ranjit enjoys guiding clients on their journey. Working with them from feeling stuck, confused, scared and alone to clear, empowered and in full ownership of the lives they lead.
Ranjit helps her clients create mental clarity in mind, body and mental wellbeing, teaching them how to transform the lives they lead.
Success Stories
The sessions I had with Ranjit were deeply introspective and enlightening. She has confidence and warmth about her that helped open me up to talking about many of my life’s details that have gone unaddressed – subconsciously unaddressed that is. She…Stephanie
I was so full of fear, confusion, self doubt, and hurt. It kept getting worse. Before I met Ranjit, and before I started this work with her, I attended her workshop. During this workshop I cried the whole time, as…

I’ll work with you to learn life skills and tools that will empower you to make better choices and decisions to shape your life towards what you want and develop the confidence to manage any life challenge.
About Me
Ranjit Rana – Committed, Compassionate Life Coach
Ranjit Rana is a Board-Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Coach in NLP (Nero Linguistic Programming) Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, and the founder of Vancouver-based life coaching company Results Right Now.
Using her passion to bring healing and awareness to others, Ranjit focuses on empowering her clients to master their emotions, and to tap into their courage, strength, and confidence, to overcome any number of life’s challenges.